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R.N.s, A.P.R.N.'s, & P.A.s 
To Recharge On-The-Job So They Have Energy For Life At Home

Taking the Stigma Out of Stress as We Heal the Healers! 

Hey There! Welcome



Transforming Medicine from the inside out!

What if you could STOP The Energy Drain NOW-- with Small Micro Shifts & Have Fun Doing It?

It's possible! You can activate
Your Energy Reset Switch! It's your brain's lifeline that habitually flips Offline. 

By activating this Energy Reset Switch using the
Micro-Shift Reset System™, You can Recharge On-The-Job----in minutes----without adding to your workload ----so that you have energy left for life at home.




Survival Mode

Keeps You From 

Being Above Average-

Let's Quit

Autopilot living



Hey Friend, My name is Doreen Steenland

I'm a Registered Nurse, an International Coaching Federation Certified Coach, "a Medspouse", and a brain-based transformational practitioner.  As one of thirteen family members in medicine, with the other half of my family in education, I'm fully vested in wellness for essential professionals, so that they can navigate the daily stressors that come with the territory.


I'm a Reset Specialist who Helps
Healthcare Professionals Recharge On The Job,
So that They Have
Energy Left for Life At Home




We offer group and individual coaching programs that empower you to navigate stress, beat exhaustion and focus on what matters most. Using brain based tools, you can balance your nervous system and feel anchored, so you can enjoy your life and work.


Workshops & Speaking

Our transformational, interactive learning event change lives! Gone are the days of boring lectures! Interactive learning engages your team. We grow in community! Our Growth Containers create psychological safety so that the participants can connect in meaningful ways.


Corporate Interactive Experiential Learning

We provide interactive, experiential training that engages your team. Gone are the days of death by lecture! Your team will participate, co-create, and be transformed by the training.




Why Us?

30 + Years Experience

As a Registered Nurse, I've had a wide variety of experience throughout my lifetime. From Critical Care-→ER→NP role→Investigative Nursing→Corporate Health & Wellness→

School Nursing→Private Practice Experience.

Adding International Coaching Federation Certification for Coaching, along with multiple specialty certifications in Neuroscience, IPNB, Trauma-Informed Coaching, Somatic Training

And More....


I'm honored to empower you!

Individual Approach

Each human is unique and we all come to the situation with our own unique perspectives & biases. You can get to the root cause of what drives those perspectives and what drives the your actions.  

In life there are always going to be ups and downs. I'm passionate about helping my clients learn how to make the up times last—and minimize or eliminate the down times? How you view life affects your overall happiness, success, and the depth of your relationships. Your brain will always seek to prove your right!

I Believe In You!

I believe you can change your brain and it's patterns. I believe that your stress patterns no longer need to rule your life. I believe that there is so much more to life than you are currently experiencing.  


I believe you can learn to be present and enjoy your family. I believe you can reach your goals. I believe you have the answers inside you, we just need to learn how to access them!


I believe you can live an anchored life and no longer tossed to and fro in the waves of uncertainty. I believe you can live calm, confident, curious, & courageous lives.

Post Covid Medical Professionals Podcast
PCCT-406Post Covid Stress Coaching for Frontline Workers
00:00 / 32:22

Tami L, TX

"Constantly on Edge with Stress and Tension in my Body"

"Stress no longer knocks me off course! I’ve got  tools Doreen gave me to find my calm again, no matter what’s happening. It’s like I can handle other people’s needs and my own without losing myself to stress. I never thought I could feel this grounded and true to myself in the middle of all the craziness."

Elizabeth R, NJ

"Coaching as a viable, life-changing vehicle"


I used the amazing tools that helped me to see pieces of myself that I didn't even know existed.  I am finally moving in a positive direction with excitement and clarity earning the promotion into higher leadership."

Jennifer N, NC

"Battling Work-Life Balance"

"Every day was a struggle to keep up without snapping. I felt so alone, tired of being overwhelmed by my emotions and making the same mistakes. My family got on the same page. Now, our home life is smoother, I'm clear-headed and free from guilt. I've stopped trying to do it all and finally enjoy my time at home with my family."
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